* The peacock design of tattoos are most often represented in Asian and Middle East tattoo designs and are very popular because of its vibrant colors. However, in Europe, the peacock's feathers are regarded with high suspicion because of a fiasco in their ancient mythologies.
* The peacock feather, in ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt is a representation of the 'evil eye'. This is because of the general idea during that time that with the peacock feathers several 'eyes', it can see every single transgression that a person has done. This belief, is still prevailing today as several households in Europe will not permit that even a single peacock feather enter their household.
* The Christian faith on the other hand, has an entirely different take on the peacock and its feathers. Christians believe that the peacock feathers 'eyes' are the same of God's all seeing eyes. It also venerated the peacock as an incorruptible animal making it a sacred emblem for many who follow the Christian faith.
* Today, peacock tattoos symbolize immortality, a person's pure soul and resurrection. In china, the peacock is believed to represent the divinity and ranks of the gods and their ancestors. Peacocks are also later on symbolized as animals of royalty and has long meant the equivalent of an unbreakable oath.
* In these days, peacock designs are chosen mostly for their bright and vibrant colors as well as their symbolism. Because peacocks can also represent resurrection, these are also created into tattoos for a lot of personal reasons. People have peacock tattoos done in remembrance of a person or a loved one's death or a memory of that person's recovery from extreme illness. Peacock tattoos are also a great symbol for a specific turning point in a person's life. There are also a lot of people who prefer to incorporate this bird into Middle Eastern designs again, a remembrance to history that this particular race believed in the immortality and divinity of the peacock.
* For someone who does not want to get a huge peacock tattoo design and would rather opt for a smaller, more discreet design, it is always better to have a tattoo put in. after all, peacock feathers have as much symbolism on its own as the entire bird itself and it is by far easier to incorporate it onto an existing design or even as an addition to an existing tattoo. The peacock feathers are a smaller alternative to the peacock tattoo that can still be made to be big enough to add in more details I you so wish to do so.
* An important note that you must never forget is that you have to get a clear picture of the peacock tattoo design that you would want to be tattooed with. Be particular with the use of colors, if you want to.
Peacock tattoos are a great way to showcase some of the best design and color that you can get in tattoo art. But beware the wearer of the peacock design! Depending on who you believe, this tattoos can either be representations of beauty and grandeur or can represent suspicion and the "evil eye." How you interpret peacock tattoos is entirely your choice, and there is certainly no shortage of popularity of this particular tattoo design.
Peacock tattoos have been widely used throughout Asia and the middle east. They represent for many, God's eyes, all seeing and all knowing. In China they also have strong ties to immortality and an unbreakable oath. With such a strong and positive message in one part of the world, why have this tattoos represented the opposite in other parts?
Ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece are highly suspicious of the peacock feather, and should you have peacock tattoos, you may find your welcome is not a warm one in these areas. They are interpreted as God's all knowing eyes and therefore every transgression is seen by God. Very few modern households today will accept a single peacock feather through their door.
Clearly, your heritage and beliefs will play a role in your decision for choosing this tattoos and designs. Personally, I choose to go with the Eastern beliefs and like to associate the peacock with the positive aspects of Godliness. China believes that the peacock is a representative of royalty and to have peacocks as pets or visitors to your home can be seen as a very auspicious thing.
Having your peacock tattoos and designs well thought out before you settle on the one you want will have the meaning of the peacock settled in your mind also. Often, we need to attach a meaning to the ink design that we have chosen, and the peacock will not disappoint with a wealth of interpretations.
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