Swords have become a powerful symbol due to their pivotal roles in history and literature. The fact that many swords' names are better known than the names of the sword bearer reflects their historical importance. There is a certain magic associated with swords, and this magic translates into sword tattoos.
Sword tattoos are generally seen as both a symbol of danger and valor. Many men and women in the military also use sword tattoos as emblems of honor, justice and talismans of protection. However, a sword by itself is rarely seen; there are often many other symbols that tell a larger story.
Two of the most frequently seen symbols in sword tattoos are flames and wings. A sword engulfed in flames has a religious significance and is said to be an image of purification. Wings, on the other hand, are said to signify a certain ‘lifting up and away’ from danger, as swords are generally used as protection. Many people also like to surround their swords in softer images, like having a vine with flowers growing around the blade, or one or two swords piercing through a heart.
Many sword tattoos are part of a larger scene. For instance, a stylized depiction of two samurais locked in battle; a medieval knight, sword raised, charging ahead on his steed; or a courtly gentleman brandishing his blade. Some people also like to show the contrast of the fearsome weapon with the sensuality of a curvaceous female figure; she may be done in a variety of genres, such as a pirate, a warrior or simply placed in a delicate 1940’s garb.
Although infrequently seen, sword tattoos are occasionally done by themselves. This style can be shown placed gingerly upon the skin, or piercing through it. However you choose to place it, there are an endless amount of designs that you can use to really amplify the look. Many people like to use a realistic depiction; this style can have a wooden, or even a braid work leather hilt; a large, heavy pommel, and a long, sharp blade. You can also heavily embellish your sword by adding gems, a family crest to the pommel, a scroll work pattern to the blade, and maybe even metal wings or bones to the guard. For an interesting, but unrealistic appearance, many people like to use a design akin to tribal art. These pieces are usually done in black and have sharp, drastic lines. It is also fairly common to see a snake or dragon elongated and morphed into the image of a sword, or crosses and skulls worked into the hilt and pommel.
Sword tattoos can be done in a large picture or by themselves; but whichever way you choose to depict them, they are sure to add a certain tough, brave and honorable feel to all of your artwork.
The sword is often a military emblem; it has been the tool of warriors for generations of man. The sword can symbolize protection, liberty, honor, and benevolent power. All of these qualities are associated with heroism and valor. The bearer of a sword tattoo may wear it as a reminder to remain steadfast to personal ethics. It may also be worn to symbolize protection through difficult times.
sword mask
Sword tattoos can have religious significance as well. The sword was used to symbolize the word of God in the Middle Ages. A symbol for purification is a sword engulfed in flames, and when a sword tattoo also depicts a crucifix, this usually means the bearer is willing to fight for his faith.
Swords may not be the centerpiece of a tattoo; they may merely be added to give a more complete expression of the design. Swords which appear with eagles may not only symbolize freedom, but a willingness to protect it. A sword lets people know that the angel in the tattoo is not merely a guardian angel, but a powerful archangel. A sword tattoo can have many different meanings.
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