Although many pitbull tattoos feature this animal in a depiction that shows the aggressive and ferocious traits that this breed is known for, many people get this style of art to show their love for this often misunderstood beast.
Many pitbull tattoos feature only the head, face and occasionally shoulders of this dog. This style can range from a cute cartoon image to a fierce creature baring its sharp teeth. It is not uncommon to see the strong features of a pitbull’s face, lined in an angry expression, with close-cropped ears and cold, savage eyes. The eyes in many pitbull tattoos often tell the most; they are frequently done in a demonic red, have fire or ice reflected in them, or show the image of a small, scared creature looking back at the dog. For a cartoon style, many people like to keep with the theme of a combative animal, and show a large eyed, large bodied, tiny eared pitbull with a spiked collar carrying an arm or leg, or shaking (with slobber and all) a person or animal.
Another example of common pitbull tattoos is the portrait style. These are used most frequently by people who have a soft spot for the breed, or the wearer may use a photo of their own pitbull. These usually show a much more docile version of this animal, and may show a bust or full body image. They are often done in color, but may also be done in monotone shades; occasionally only the barest outlines may be used for this style. This design is also frequently used as a memorial piece to a well loved pitbull.
Some pitbull tattoos use this animal in a fantasy style. Given their strong, sturdy frame, broad head, and unusual features, these beasts can make for a perfect addition to a mythically themed piece. One example would be to create a chimera-like creature, for instance you could use the head and frame of a pitbull and add wings, a lion’s mane and the tail of an alligator. You could also depict the pitbull as Orthrus — the two-headed dog of Greek mythology — standing alongside its master Geryon.
Due to their brute strength, menacing appearance and poor reputation, some people see pitbulls as something to fear. However, to those that love them, they are the perfect animal. This combination of good and bad, fear and love, makes for a great symbol, and reason enough all by itself to use this interesting design.
Of all the different animals out there, this particular one has the biggest following when it comes to memorial tattoos. That's because most people who get dogs tattooed on them have a particular breed in mind. Getting your dog tattooed is a fairly popular theme because dogs can have an amazing impact on people's lives. Some even see their dogs as being their best friends. So when they eventually pass, getting a memorial tattoo is a good way for some people to cope with the loss. Other than memorial tattoos, people will get dog tattoos to represent themselves. Those who think that they are tough will go for tattoos of strong breeds, etc.
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