Cherries are seen as an object of lust, fertility and desire. The deep, ripe red cherry represents the fertility of a woman and the femininity of her ways. It is a symbol of purity when still hanging upon the branch. A cherry is also a slang term for a virgin, which can be another symbolic meaning associated with the tat. The type of cherry design you choose can also alter the symbolism.
For example, the cherries with the stem still attached show freshness and innocence while flaming cherries can symbolize a burning desire and cherries with whip cream can signify sweetness. Cherry tattoos can also symbolize health and well being due to the many health benefits associated with eating cherries. The fruit has also long been said to resemble a lover's lips, and when you bite into it, the fruit gives the appearance of bleeding. Thus, there has long been an erotic connection to the fruit of the cherry tree.
However way you chose to have it inked, be it fanciful and sweet, old school or edgy, there are countless design options to choose from. You are not limited to these variations mentioned, they are simply the most common styles and what they represent. Women opt for cherry tattoos not only because of their personal meanings, but also for their versatility in size and ability to be place almost anywhere on the body.
One of the interesting fruits that contains meaningful symbolisms and may be used as a tattoo design is a cherry. Besides being an attractive fruit that may be a subject of aesthetic designs a cherry fruit has so much to say. Do you know that a cherry has its own language that anyone who sees it, knows what message it brings? That is why there are many men and women in the world who goes for cherry fruit as an insignia in their body aside from the fact that cherry tattoos are attractive in the skin.
There are many reasons why a man or a woman chooses a cherry fruit as a tattoo design in their body.
• The cherry tree is one of the earliest fruit trees that were cultivated in some places in the world. Many men and women go for cherry fruits as a tattoo design because of its historical significance.
• A mere look at a cherry fruit would lure you into touching it, and into admiring its suppleness and color. It won't be long before you find out that you have brought the cherry fruit into your salivating mouth. Same is true with some women who see themselves as an object of desire. They go for cherry tattoos because they associate the fruit with the kind of strong and sultry personality they have.
• Cherry tattoos designs may also signify passion and love.
So, if you are planning to have a tattoo in your body and you find a cherry fruit appealing, there might be some reasons at the back of your head that will make you want to have cherry tattoos in your body. Well, you can choose to tell the world why you opt to have this kind of tattoo design or you may keep your reason to yourself if you deem it unnecessary to tell anyone about it.
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