Firstly when where is talk about zodiac signs, it is assumed that reference is to sun signs commonly used in the west. But zodiac signs are also local to several cultures in the east. For example India and China have their set of zodiac signs. Both these culture also use 12 signs and the exact sign is determined by the date of birth of the individual. But these are based on complex lunar calendars.
Chinese zodiac signs consist of 12 animals. But the signs are designed in a very creative manner. Chinese zodiac sign is determined by the year of birth of the individual according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Each Chinese calendar is represented by a particular sign. Indian zodiac signs also consist of 12 signs but these signs have different names and designs than those used in the west. To determine the Indian zodiac sign it is important to know the exact time of birth as this system is based on the movements of the moon across the celestial.
Once you have decided upon the zodiac design you will be get tattooed, you can go the easy way and just do a Google search on it and get hundreds of generic designs and use one of them. The disadvantage of this approach is that your tattoo will be really commonplace and no-one will even care to give it a second look. For example if you want to get a tattoo of Libra, you can just take a design showing two unbalanced scales and you are done. If all you want is to get some dime-a-dozen tattoo this should do, but if you want to get a special tattoo which will be gawked at, wherever you go, you will need to do more work on your zodiac design.
Zodiac designs can be easily customized with some out of the box thinking. For example each zodiac sign is associated with a particular gem, so your design can be combined with a design of a gem, moreover each sign is associated with particular colors, so you can color tattoo based on that. Each zodiac sign is also associated with a particular earth element like fire, water, air, etc. You can use your imagination to combine your specific element with your zodiac sign to create a unique design.
But if you are like most of us, who are low on creative abilities but still want to get an exclusive tattoo design, then you must use the services of a paid membership site. These sites have several zodiac designs that you can borrow from. Moreover because these designs are not freely available on the internet they are very uncommon.
Remember you don't want to just tattoo a lion on your skin and say that represents Leo; make it special as it is going to be with for the rest of your life. Get ideas from tattoo galleries, friends and other tattoo artists to create a masterpiece you will be proud of.
When you are looking for the right zodiac tattoo designs, there are many different choices in front of you. You will want to think about what style you want them in, how you want the design depicted and how you will tie it together on your body. When you are looking for tattoo designs of zodiac sign, you'll find that the first thing that you need to think about is the general design, so keep the following tips in mind.
The first thing that you need to think about is who or what you are trying to represent. For instance, if your mother is a Gemini, how can you make sure that the Gemini twins symbol is one that ties to her both in theme and in style? For instance, if she loves traditional art, you might find that an old Gemini tattoos would look great, while if she has a more spare design philosophy, you can choose the design of the Gemini tattoos that looks more like a single character or sigil.
When you are shopping around for zodiac tattoo designs, you'll find that you can choose a number of different ways to go about it. First, you have the very plain but striking line work that represents the zodiac; the waves that represent Aquarius and the arrow that represents Sagittarius are two that spring to mind. You may find that you prefer to look at the constellations that the zodiac signs are drawn from, and choose to create a stellar array on your body. You may also choose to get a very cartoonish representation of the zodiac sign, like a cute lion for the Leo tattoo. It's all about your preferences and what you are wanting the tattoo to represent. The scorpion tattoos are very popular for those born under this star sign,
and allow enough room for artistic flair.
If you are looking for zodiac tattoo designs, you may also take a look at zodiacs from different countries. For instance, while you might be an Aries in the Western zodiac, you might also be a sheep or a dog in the Chinese zodiac. The Eastern zodiac comes with all sorts of designs for the twelve animals that make it up, so you can choose to get a lovely zodiac animal tattooed on yourself, or a distinctive Chinese character.
When you are searching for zodiac tattoo designs, the important thing to remember is that you should not get the tattoo until you find a design that you enjoy. There are many different tattoo designs of zodiac sign out there, but make sure that you get the zodiac sign that will suit you the best. Take the time to look at plenty of great zodiac tattoo designs before you make your decision.
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